Parent Involvement
“In this complex world, it takes more than a good school to educate children and it takes more than a good home too. It takes these two major institutions to work together to make the children face challenges in life.” Studies have indicated that children whose parents share in their formal education tend to do better in school. All parents want their children to become successful, caring adults. Similarly, many parents want to be involved with the formal education of their children.
Sometimes, however, they don’t know where to begin, when to find the time, or how to go about making positive connections with the school. At the most basic level, parents can begin encouraging the children towards studies by showing that they truly value education themselves. It is essential that there is constant communication between the school and home. Hence it is important that there is continuous interaction between the parents & the teachers who are the key partners in the growth & the well being of the child.
To keep in constant touch with them, the school organizes various activities for them every year to participate & make them feel a part of Guru global family.
Performances by Parents on Parents’ Day
Game shows are conducted to establish cordial and friendly relationships.
Game Shows
Game shows are conducted to establish cordial and friendly relationships.
Talent Shows
Parents are given a chance to exhibit their talents in various fields.
Parents Workshop
Workshops are held to develop better rapport with the parents and to make them aware of our teaching methods and to acquaint them with details of the syllabus to be covered. Parents are also informed about the various activities conducted to enhance children’s thinking skills.
Exhibition of “Best Out Of Waste"
Workshops are held to develop better rapport with the parents and to make them aware of our teaching methods and to acquaint them with details of the syllabus to be covered. Parents are also informed about the various activities conducted to enhance children’s thinking skills.
Grand Parents Day
Grand Parents of tiny tots are invited to spend time in school. They make the day special by narrating stories, singing songs and sharing their childhood experiences with children.

Guru Global School Franchisee Enquiry in India
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